Bicar­bon­ate tester BC16


For effi­cient bio­gas pro­duc­tion, sludge bac­te­ria require a pH in the range of about 6.5 to 8. A sta­bi­liza­tion of the pH in this area is main­ly achieved ( 85) by the bicar­bon­ate (= buffer sub­stance) released in large quan­ti­ties dur­ing anaer­o­bic degradation.>

Process dis­tur­bances reg­u­lar­ly lead to increased lev­els of free fat­ty acids (FFA) or decreas­ing bicar­bon­ate lev­els, as the acids con­sume bicar­bon­ate. How­ev­er, the buffer­ing effect of the bicar­bon­ate hard­ly reduces the pH at first.

Only when the dis­tur­bance lasts for a long time and the stock of bicar­bon­ate is large­ly exhaust­ed, it comes to a rapid drop in pH and sub­se­quent­ly to a reduc­tion or in extreme cas­es to a fail­ure of bio­gas production.


  • In con­trast to an exclu­sive pH val­ue check, process faults are detect­ed much ear­li­er – leav­ing more time to avoid eco­nom­ic losses
  • Very sim­ple operation
  • Results after 5 minutes!
  • Data is easy to interpret
  • Mea­sur­ing tech­nol­o­gy does not require calibration
  • Very low con­sump­tion costs
  • Robust, long term proven mea­sure­ment technology
Digester Health Monitoring

Lat­est news

Joint project Aci­Di – Project start

Organ­ic acids under the ana­lyt­i­cal mag­ni­fy­ing glass: Har­mo­niza­tion of exist­ing mea­sure­ment meth­ods for the opti­mized oper­a­tion of diges­tion and bio­gas plants Read the com­plete press release here


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ECOMON­DO 2023 in Rimini

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