AD Plant Garmisch

Short Project Description

The plant AD Garmisch treats source sep­a­rate col­lect­ed organ­ic waste main­ly from pri­vate house­holds. The plant is designed for a through­put of 10.000t/y. The waste is deliv­ered into the receiv­ing bunker with­out any pre-selection.Biogas is trans­ferred via a pipeline into a cen­tral pow­er and heat gen­er­a­tion facil­i­ty down­town Garmisch Partenkirchen, so the gas use is not con­nect­ed to the plant. All diges­tate is trans­ferred into the munic­i­pal waste water treat­ment facil­i­ty next door which is oper­at­ed by the Gemein­dew­erke too. The diges­tate is ful­ly treat­ed so no liq­uid fer­til­iz­er is land applied.
Fin­ster­walder was respon­si­ble for all design works (Gen­er­al Design­er) of all sys­tems with­in the facil­i­ty. Fin­ster­walder man­u­fac­tured and deliv­ered key machine and process tech­nol­o­gy. Fin­ster­walder was respon­si­ble for gen­er­al site super­vi­sion but not for local site management.

Inte­grat­ed FIN­STER­WALDER Technology

  • 2x Sep­a­ra­tion press Biosqueeze BS20
  • 1x Dou­ble tube heat exchang­er for sub­strate heating
  • 1x Dou­ble tube heat exchang­er con­t­a­m­i­nants heating
  • 1x Floor Scraper
  • 1x Sed­i­ment Sep­a­ra­tor SA05
  • 1x Skim­mer
  • Con­trol System


Waste Treat­ment Process

Flow Sheet in Detail

The receiv­ing bunker has 200 m³ Vol­ume. The waste is trans­ferred into the pre-treat­ment by an auto­mat­ed crane system

The plant can use dif­fer­ent typs of wastes. (1) Waste is shred­ded with stan­dard tech­nol­o­gy. The shred­ded waste is dis­trib­uted into the Fin­ster­walder BS20 Biosqueeze con­t­a­m­i­nats removal­press (2). The liq­uid sub­strate is deliv­ered into the dou­ble tube heat exchang­er. The reject is pushed through a 35m long heat jack­et­ed pipe and heat­ed up to 75°C before sec­ond squeeze. (3) Sub­strate from sec­ond squeez­ing is going to the dou­ble tube heat exchang­er for pas­teur­iz­ing too. The sol­id con­t­a­m­i­nants with DM con­tent of about 45% are reject­ed. (4)

The dou­ble tube heat exchang­er heats up the sub­strate to about 75°C.

The digester is equipped with a Fin­ster­walder BR14 Floor scraper (1) . This moves all sol­id sed­i­ments into an exter­nal sed­i­ment trap. The sed­i­ment sep­a­rater (2) is emp­tied in nec­es­sary cycles. Cur­rent­ly there are 2 t/d of sand removed from the digesters. (3) With­out sed­i­ment removal sys­tem the digesters would be filled with sand with­in 2 years of operation.

In each of the digesters a skim­ming unit is imple­ment­ed. (1) The skim­mer removes up-swim­ming mate­r­i­al like fibers and plas­tic pieces that oth­er­wise would form a mat. The sep­a­ra­tion is done by an exter­nal siev­ing machine. (2) The sol­id drop out con­tains all the plas­tic. (3)

Waste Pre-Treat­­ment
Self clean­ing digester

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